Monday 3 July
Problem busting / questions & answers
A group meeting and your chance to ask questions or raise your specific concerns with others.
Monday 14 August
“Where Does Tinnitus Come From (And Why Does It Hang Around)?”
With guest speaker Sally Jackson BSc (Hons) Audiology, RHAD, MSHAA. A seminar dedicated to how tinnitus arises in the brain and the different perceptions people can experience.
Monday 25 September
“Tinnitus Research - What Science is Telling Us”
With guest speaker Dr James Jackson, Reader in Biological Psychology at Leeds Trinity University. James will tell us how research has progressed and how the field of Psychology is contributing to our understanding of tinnitus patients. Q&A will follow.
Monday 6 November
End of year report / general group meeting.
All meetings are at 6:30pm at the Salvation Army building on King Street in Brighouse. Register your interest now and receive updates/booking details nearer the time. Email: